
TFA Collector – Tool for Enhanced Diagnostic Gathering

TFA Collector工具是一个诊断收集工具,用来简化Clusterware/Grid Infrastructure/RAC/Single Instance数据库系统诊断数据收集,关于MOS对TFA说明:
Trace File Analyzer Collector (TFA) is a diagnostic collection utility to simplify diagnostic data collection on Oracle Clusterware/Grid Infrastructure, RAC and Single Instance Database systems. TFA is similar to the diagcollection utility packaged with Oracle Clusterware in the fact that it collects and packages diagnostic data however TFA is MUCH more powerful than diagcollection with its ability to centralize and automate the collection of diagnostic information. TFA provides the following key benefits:

1)Increase Productivity with Reduction in time and effort in diagnostic collection
    Diagnostic collection is performed with a single command executed from a single node
    Diagnostics collected include log and trace files for Grid Infrastructure/Oracle Clusterware, ASM, RAC and the OS
    Output is consolidated to a single node for ease of upload
2)Reduce diagnostic data uploads to support by a factor of 10x or morein most cases
    Diagnostic files are isolated and trimmed to only include data for incident time
3)Reduce SR Resolution times
    Proper diagnostics collection for incidents ensure complete diagnostic data collections thus minimizing the need for support to request additional data
4)Ensure that proper Diagnostic Tools are in place to better deal with Reactive types of issues

TFA Collector – Tool for Enhanced Diagnostic Gathering (Doc ID 1513912.1)

TFA Collector/UserGuide下载:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o66073c 下载密码:rkbf

ORAchk Health Checks For The Oracle Stack


目前在生产中使用越来越多,之前该工具命名为RACcheck,后改名为ORAchk [RACcheck Configuration Audit Tool Statement of Direction – name change to ORAchk (Doc ID 1591208.1)],关于该工具详细信息请参考MOS:
ORAchk – Health Checks for the Oracle Stack (Doc ID 1268927.2)

Orachk/UserGuide/Example Reports下载:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bn4LhSF 下载密码:j7eh